HAPS 2023 Virtual Poster Session 2 (Sept 28)

Human Anatomy and Physiology Society

Welcome to the second session of the HAPS 2023 Virtual Conference Posters! Posters will be available for browsing during the entire Virtual Conference, but conversations with the presenters will happen on Thursday 9/28 at 10am ET.

More info: https://www.hapsweb.org/page/2023VirtualConference
Show Posters:

Efficacy of anatomy laboratory teaching methods for Doctor of Optometry students

Julie Doll

Anatomy for Doctor of Optometry (OD) students provides a unique opportunity for pedagogical study as content is presented both systemically and regionally. OD students are also unique in that their clinical exposure is concentrated within the head and neck. During a regular semester class, OD students attended mandatory model based sessions with the option to attend additional sessions featuring prosected anatomical donors. Efficacy of prosection inclusion was measured through course performance. Students’ attitudes towards inclusion of prosections was measured by attendance at additional sessions. Data indicates usefulness of including anatomical donors in systemic and regional anatomical education.
Presented by
Julie Doll
University of St. Francis; Natural Science Department
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Available Sept 28th; 10-11:30 EST

Mindful Meditation and its Effects on Self-Efficacy in Medical Students

Sam Van Buskirk and Jennifer Brueckner-Collins, PhD

The mental and emotional strain of medical training is significant. Mindful meditation may mitigate this strain by helping students to manage emotions and increase self-efficacy. The present study demonstrates how preparatory mindful meditation sessions can improve self-efficacy in medical students as they participate in their introductory gross anatomy lab experiences. A mixed methods approach was used to incorporate quantitative and qualitative data collected from participating first year medical students. Preliminary results suggest a wide range of academic and personal benefits. These findings further indicate meditation as a means to improving the well-being and confidence of medical students.
Presented by
Sam Van Buskirk
University of Louisville School of Medicine
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Available September 28th, 10-11:30 AM

3D Collaborative to Develop Inclusive and Immersive Lab Experiences

Courtney Standlee, Tracy Webb, Xyanthine Parillon

3D Collaboration involves creating immersive content that supports inclusion and access for A&P. A systematic process of collaboration results in the development of over 20 novel labs. Novel lab immersive experiences includes categories of free self-tests, digital games, and simulations to build knowledge contextualization, critical thinking, and technique applications. Technology use support in the form of tech stands supports multitasked lab experiences. Editing for accessibility requires key elements for successful dissemination. Systematic collaboration, development of immersive experiences, and editing content for accessible learning in combination with digital technology support are dimensions that successfully results in transformed lab experiences.
Presented by
Xyanthine Parillon, Courtney Standlee, Tracy Webb
University of Houston Downtown
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Available https://uhd.zoom.us/j/82481515001

The Community College Anatomy and Physiology Education Research (CAPER) Project: A midpoint update

Chasity O’Malley1, Ron Gerrits2, Suzanne Hood3, Kerry Hull3, Murray Jensen4

The Community College Anatomy and Physiology Education Research (CAPER) project is beginning its third year. Cohort 1 participants have completed classroom research projects and are writing manuscripts; cohort 2 participants have completed 2 professional development courses and are conducting classroom-based research projects in the next academic year; while cohort 3 participants have begun their pedagogy course.

Participants (instructors) have been studied through a series of interviews aimed at assessing their approaches to education. Data from all participating students on learning and anxiety will expand on these topics and the effects of various teaching interventions.

This poster will highlight the overall CAPER project and provide updates on the first three cohorts of CAPER.
Presented by
Chasity O'Malley
1Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, OH, 2Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI, 3Bishop's University, Quebec, 4University of Minnesota, MN
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Available September 28th 10:30-11:30 am EST

Teaching Blood Vessel Anatomy

Mark Nielsen

Understanding patterns and applying them to the teaching/learning process introduces critical thinking skills that go a long way in overcoming sheer memorization. Using logical patterns that form the basis of anatomy, structure-function thinking skills can be utilized to learn the wide array of blood vessel anatomy, from elastic and muscular arteries to the varied capillaries to the veins. This patterned approach to the varied anatomy of these tubular structures encourages critical thinking. Come participate in the poster discussion and share your thoughts and feedback.
Presented by
Mark Nielsen <marknielsen@bioscience.utah.edu>
University of Utah, School of Biological Sciences
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Available September 28, 10:00 to 11:30 EST

Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy, and Then Ask How It All Went: Student Perceptions Team Based Learning in an Upper Division Histology Course

Wendy Gean

Team-based learning touts engaging with content, establishing relevance, and moving past rote memorization over passive lecture, but little is written examining the student viewpoint. The purpose of this study is to evaluate student perceptions of the efficacy of team-based learning in an upper division histology course at Freed-Hardeman University. A survey evaluated 11 students’ perceptions of team-based learning in the areas of preparation, participation, engagement, and overall satisfaction via a survey delivered at the start and culmination of the course. Results were analyzed for significant results and conclusions were generated that support positive perceptions team-based learning.
Presented by
Wendy Gean
Freed-Hardeman University
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Available 28 September, 2023 10:00 to 11:30 AM Eastern Time

Using Podcasting as an Instructional Tool in Medical Anatomy Education

Margaret E. Finn, Jennifer Brueckner-Collins, PhD

Contemporary society has embraced on-demand news and entertainment, making podcasts a significant part of everyday life for many students. Our project demonstrates that podcasts can play a useful role in teaching as well. An instructional podcast entitled “Case Study” was developed to bring anatomy and its clinical correlates to life through interviews with members of our medical school community who have direct experience with relevant diseases discussed in anatomy. Our results demonstrated that podcasting helps students better understand classroom concepts and humanize the patients they had so far only read about.
Presented by
Margaret Finn
University of Louisville
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Available September 28th 10am- 11:30am