Language and the Brain Moonshot Poster Session
LING104 Language and the Brain
Students in LING104 at the University of Pennsylvania have worked on a semester-long project attempting to solve a huge problem or big open question in Language and the Brain. In this poster session, each team will present their solutions.
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DisOrder and DatOrder helps children find their voice in social situations
Christina DiCindio, Sophie Faircloth, Olivia Kenny
Down Syndrome is Going Down: A Wearable Device that Increases Environmental Speech Input
Alexander Auchus, Bridget Yu, Parvati Ragoobeer
Chatty Charlie Welcomes You To LA: The Language Academy
Ariadni Oikonomou, Ebony Goldman, Silvani Amin
Lost in Translation: Prosodic Translation
Nikhil Avadhani, Jackie Martinez, Sarah Lee
Predicting and Preventing Childhood Speech Disorders
Ben Rutherford, Joan Shaho, Danny Chiarodit
Language Deprivation in Deaf Children
Namrita Kumar, Amy Krimm, Ashley Barrett
Sopht Music Poster
Allie Comite, Simone Fortin, Savannah Sparks
Become a Polyglot Later in Adulthood with Auditory Training as a Baby
Maxwell Roling, Michael Hackett, Isabella Vura, & Nicolas Tola
Word Play: The Program to Mitigate the 30 Million Word Gap
Stephanie Walsh, Sophie Weich, Jason Yan