2021 Senior Flint Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Flint Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Public viewing for the 2021 Senior Division of the Flint Regional Science and Engineering Fair.
Projects are conducted by 9-12 grade students across mid-Michigan.
Learn more about the FRSEF at www.flintsciencefair.org
More info: https://flintsciencefair.org/2021Senior
Filter displayed posters (110 keywords)
▼ 4th Award Back to top
Smartphone Capable Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Model for Detecting COVID-19 in Chest X-rays: Addressing the need of Resource-strapped Locations
Ayan Nair (Mentors: Professor Adam Alessio & Wenjie Qi, Michigan State University)
▼ 5th Award Back to top
Radiomic Classification of Chest Radiographs - Identifying COVID-19, Viral Pneumonia, and Healthy Patients to Alleviate Hospital Congestion
Arohi Nair (Mentors: Prof. Adam Alessio and Wenjie Qi, Michigan State University)
Radiomic analysis is a novel medical imaging technique that has displayed high accuracy performances while also having a quick runtime. This method involves extracting radiomic features from clinical images, and inputting those values into a classifier model. In this study, I use radiomics to classify pathologies in chest radiographs from an open source dataset by Chowdhury, et al.; Rahman et al. (2020). I start with a set of 96 radiomic features and reduce it down to a list of 10 definitive features. These radiomic features almost perfectly differentiate between radiographs with COVID-19, viral pneumonia, and no pathology, with an accuracy of 97.0%. This reduced model can help hospitals with overcrowding caused by COVID-19 by using these specific features in radiomic analysis to determine which patients have COVID-19 and are at the highest risk. At the moment, detection methods of COVID-19 such as PCR tests, and even the rapid tests take a significant amount of time for the results to be returned. In fact, PCR tests take 24 hours at the minimum, with rapid, take-home tests just slightly shorter. Additionally, sending chest radiographs to radiologists for analysis takes time, and also places excess stress on the radiologists. In comparison, radiomics takes a matter of seconds and is a completely automated process. Current technology relies on time-consuming methods such as the bacteria growth in conventional COVID-19 tests, and the human examination that radiologists carry out; in this study, radiomics is examined as a functional alternative.
Effect of bacterial diet on reproductive aging in C. elegans
Designing and Constructing a 3D Printer for the Additive Manufacturing of Soft Matter Hydrogels
Henry Wolf
An Evaluation of the Effects of d-α-Tocopherol and Amygdalin on Regeneration of Dugesia tigrina
Armaan Mahajan
Powering a Toothbrush without a Battery
Niloy Islam and Mohammad Islam
▼ 6th Award Back to top
Smart Vaccine Transportation and Storage Device
Charlie Nielsen, Catherine Wang, Uma Kale, Diane White
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Benford’s Law at Detecting Election Fraud using 2020 Election Data
Effects of Essential Oils on the Growth of Staphylococcus Aureus
Downregulation of EMP2 and PID1 cell proliferation genes in Lung Cancer
▼ 7th Award Back to top
Binding of Curcumin and β-Lactoglobulin and the Effect of Curcumin on Fibrils Formed by β-Lactoglobulin
Authors: Sharmitha Bandla, Mentor: Matthew Miller
How Does Temperature Affect the Iodine Clock Reaction?
Author: Caleb; Mentors: Rob and Michelle
Comparing Methods of Recoil Measurement
Author: Addison Wagner Mentor: Dr. David Allan
How does tire pressure and weight affect rolling resistance?
Caitlyn Dickerson
▼ Honorable Mention / Research Fellow Back to top
Effects of Vitamin C and Selenium on Invertase
Using the N.E.A.T. Genetic Algorithm as a Substitute for a Supervised Learning Algorithm
Sweat It Out: Engaging Aerobic Exercise as a Biological Solution to Improved Mental Wellbeing
Christopher Wells
Testing the Phytoremediation of Lead in Salix Species.
Plant Growth and the Effects Of Caffeinated vs. Decaffeinated Coffee
Marie Hillebrand
Emission Recognition
Testing the Ability of Machine Learning to Analyze Characteristics of Human Artwork
Electro-Adhesion Water Filtration
Electro adhesion can remove heavy metals Chromium 6, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic from water. It can also remove microplastic. Microplastics and heavy metal in water can cause several severe diseases like brain cancer, lung cancer, anemia, heart and kidney problems. Electro-Adhesion utilizes the difference in charges that exist between a surface and a particle in aqueous solution, where a charge is built up by the double layer effect. Zeta potential is the measurement of the driving force between the particle and the fixed surface, it can attract or repel the two. Most bacteria and most other particles are electronegative in water. Smaller particles also tend to become more electronegative. So an electropositive fixed surface would be far more effective at attracting and retaining particles than one that is electronegative. Another factor is the area of solid surface that is exposed to the particles in the fluid. One with a large surface area can support more electropositive charges and therefore adsorb more particles. In this experiment a filter that uses electro-adhesion is used and a device is created to put the filter in and different samples of water from different ponds and faucets. The hypothesis was that the filter can remove waste particles up to 0.02 microns as well as >99.997% at 0.2 microns and >99.997% microns (which is virus level) in a pH range of 4 to 9. The results were that my hypothesis was supported and the data were collected by counting the number of particles before and after the experiment. One major finding was that a sample of pond water with 600 particles was found before filtering and after filtering, the highest number of particles were 3. This shows that the filter was able to clean it, this was the worst sample of water out of all 6 samples and the color changed from black to clear. So electro-adhesion can filter out water, these filters can filter water to make it clean enough for human use.
The Antibacterial Effect of Commonly Consumed Beverages and Mouthwash on Streptococcus mutans
Refraction of Light in Concentrations of Differing Molarity
Effects of Initial Mycelium Injection on Oyster Mushroom Growth
John Barnes (mentor)
Examining the Law of Large Numbers as It Applies to Various Amounts of Possible Outcomes
Nathaniel Watson