2021 University of Chicago Undergraduate Research Symposium: Session 1
College Center for Research and Fellowships
Welcome to the virtual platform for the 2021 University of Chicago Undergraduate Research Symposium brought to you by the College Center for Research and Fellowships! This annual interdisciplinary research event provides a forum for UChicago students across the years and disciplines to present their undergraduate research and creative scholarship to the campus community and the public.
This year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium event offered two online virtual poster sessions and took place from 10:00am – 2:00pm CST on Friday, May 21st, 2021. There are a total of 103 posters included in the combined two Sessions (Session 1 & Session 2).
This is the online platform for SESSION 1 where all presenters were LIVE to CHAT from 10:00am – 12:00pm CST on May 21st. Please note that some presenters have elected to upload a recorded research presentation for your viewing. You can click on the presenters’ posters to view larger versions of their pdf poster files.
ALPHA ORGANIZATION by FIRST NAME: The research posters and abstracts are organized alphabetically by primary presenter FIRST name within their University of Chicago Collegiate Division "Track" (below) and further categorized by research category or “keywords.”
SEARCHING: You may search by divisional tracks, select keywords (in the search bar), or by searching specific author names or keywords using a “control + f” or "command + f" find function on your device. Note: You will need to scroll down for tracks or keyword search results.
You may find virtual platform assistance at:
-Virtual Poster Session FAQs: https://virtualpostersession.org/questions.html
We hope you enjoy the undergraduate research presented and encourage you to explore the Undergraduate Research Symposium: Session 2 platform HERE.
Finally, we want to THANK all the undergraduate research presenters, the research mentors, and others who have supported these students throughout their research. You can read quotes from students giving gratitude to their research mentors and supporters HERE.
More info: https://ccrf.uchicago.edu/uchicagoresearchsymposium
Filter displayed posters (25 keywords)
▼ Biological Sciences Collegiate Division Back to top
Developing a Visualization Tool for the Geographic Distribution of Linkage Disequilibrium
Achyutha (Achu) Menon, Molecular Engineering, 3rd-Year
Automatic Segmentation and Analysis of COVID-19 Patient CT Scans Using Deep Learning
Beatrice Katsnelson, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Molecular Engineering Technology and Innovation, 2nd-Year; Elise Katsnelson, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Molecular Engineering Technology and Innovation, 2nd-Year
Identifying the Mechanism of LGL-1 During Cell Polarity Maintenance in the C. elegans Embryo
Eric Chen, Biology & Chemistry, 4th-Year
Investigating the Role of B7-H3 in PTEN-Deficient Prostate Cancer
Farah Doughan, Biological Sciences, Health and Societies, 2nd-Year
More Cases of Crying Wolf? The Effect of False Alarms and Misses on Air Traffic Controllers
Grace Richards, Statistics, 3rd-Year
TIRF Microscopy Analysis Automation and Characterization of Actin-Binding Protein Diaphanous
Hannah Ye, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, 2nd-Year
Effect of Public Policies to Reduce Smoking: A Narrative Review
Jacob Gillis, Public Policy Studies, Health and Society, 3rd-Year
Optimization of DNA Extraction and Characterization of DNA Damage Patterns in Genome-Wide Data from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) Human Tissues
Jovan Stanisavic, Biological Sciences, 2nd-Year
Genetic Underpinnings of Coinfection Effects in a Natural Plant-Pathogen System
Peter Laurin, Biological Sciences, Statistics, 4th-Year
Impact of Infections on Endogenous Alloreactive T Cell Populations
Peter Wang, Biological Sciences, History, 3rd-Year
Developing Computational Tools to Predict COVID-19 Symptom Severity
Rahul Gupta, Biological Sciences, Classical Studies, 3rd-Year
Investigating the Connection Between Arginine Synthesis and Other Metabolic Pathways in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Riona (Rio) Chen, Psychology, 3rd-Year
Predicting Tumor Grade and Mutation Status Using Computed Tomography Radiomic Features in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases
Ryan Hoang, Biological Sciences, 2nd-Year
Impact of Household Air Pollution on Olfactory, Pulmonary, and Cognitive Function in Rural Srinivaspura in Karnataka, India
Simatul Rashid, South Asian Language and Civilizations, Biological Sciences, 4th-Year
The Effect of COVID-19 on Pregnancies and Their Outcomes
Tinyan Dada, Comparative Human Development, Biological Sciences, 3rd-Year
▼ Humanities Collegiate Division Back to top
4,000 Years of Learning Cuneiform: A Comparative Study of Cuneiform Digitization Methods on Sumerian Scribal Tablets from Nippur
Joshua (Eyshe) Beirich, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2nd-Year; Clara Mikhail, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Music, 3rd-Year
Ancient Cuneiform in the Digital Age: Curating the Oriental Institute’s Tablet Collection
Madeline (Maddie) Ouimet, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 3rd-Year
A Phantom Rising: Visual Poems Inspired by the Art and Writing of James Gillray
Mahria Baker, English Language and Literature, 4th-Year
Accent as Discordance: Examining Linguistically Coded Implicit Bias in Clinical Interactions
Maya Osman-Krinsky, Linguistics, Global Studies, Creative Writing, 4th-Year
Jewish Expatriate History in Japan in the 20th Century
Oren Oppenheim, Creative Writing, History, 4th-Year
Learning from Premodern Plagues: A Public Humanities Project for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stephanie Reitzig, History, Romance Languages and Literatures, 3rd-Year
Scoring the Deep Sea
Teis Jayaswal, Fundamentals: Issues and Texts, Philosophy, 4th-Year
Postscripts and Pederasty: Realizing the Allegorical in Yanagihara’s The People in the Trees
Willem Harling, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Theater and Performance Studies, 3rd-Year
Implicit Learning of Linguistic Features of ASL Handshape by VQ-VAEs
Zack Crenshaw, Linguistics, Computer Science, 4th-Year
▼ Physical Sciences Collegiate Division Back to top
Algorithmic Design of Dynamic Control Sequences for Protecting Quantum Bit Coherence
Ahmed Malik, Physics, 2nd-Year
Modeling Interparticle Interactions in Nanocrystal Electrostatic Self-Assembly
Alex Hinkle, Chemistry, 3rd-Year
Investigating the Radial Density Distribution in Galaxy Cluster Cores
Alexandra Masegian, Astrophysics, English and Creative Writing, 2nd-Year
Characterizing Y2O3:Eu Nanoparticles for Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Ariel Pan, Chemistry & Biochemistry, 4th-Year
Learning Manifolds From Point Clouds
Isabella DeClue, Statistics, Computer Science, 2nd-Year
Statistics of Exoplanet Resonant Chains
Jared Siegel, Physics & Astrophysics, 3rd-Year
Molecular Latent Space Simulators: Ultra-efficient Molecular Simulations of Protein Folding and Amyloid Aggregation
Joseph (Joe) Aulicino, Mathematics & Molecular Engineering, 3rd-Year
Banded Vegetation Patterns in Drylands: Modeling Across Timescales
Lily Liu, Mathematics, 4th-Year
Theory of Bipolarons in Strontium Titanate (SrTiO3)
Lisa Lin, Physics, 4th-Year
Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing of Low-Surface Brightness Galaxies
Nathalie Chicoine, Astrophysics & English, 2nd-Year
Formation and Persistence of Ice Rumples
Niall Coffey, Physics & Economics, 4th-Year
Developing and Exploring Computational Tools in Python and MySQL to Decode Inca Khipus
Nyaga Kariuki, Mathematics, Religious Studies, 2nd-Year
Are Machine Learning Cloud APIs Used Correctly?
Shicheng Liu, Computer Science & Mathematics, Physics, 3rd-Year
▼ Social Sciences Collegiate Division Back to top
When We Give Each Other Grace: Analyzing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on SEL Implementation in Title I Schools
Amara Cohen, Public Policy, 4th-Year
Explaining the Mismatch Between Hotspots of Auto-Loan Debt and Delinquency in the United States
Atman Mehta, Political Science, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, 4th-Year
Irrationality in Crisis: Emotional Language in the President’s Daily Intelligence Briefings
Austin Christhilf, Political Science & Economics, 4th-Year
Urban Sustainability and Social Justice: A Study of Brownfield Redevelopment in Chicago
Cinque Carson, Public Policy, 4th-Year
Political Amnesia: The "Forgetting" of American Intervention in Late Twentieth-Century Chile
Diego Quesada, Law, Letters, and Society & Sociology, Human Rights, 3rd-Year
The Construction of Law and Justice in Malawi’s Village Tribunals
Emily Williams, Law, Letters, and Society, Russian and Eastern European Studies, 4th-Year
A Vietnam in the US: American Racial Politics in the Vietnam War
Ethan Hsi, History & Law, Letters, and Society, Creative Writing, 3rd-Year
Who's Minding the Neighborhood? The Role of Neighborhood Associations in Neighborhood Planning
Eugen Craciunescu, Public Policy Studies, Environmental and Urban Studies, 3rd-Year
The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Substance Use Referral Trends: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Jacob Sims Speyer, Public Policy, Statistics, 4th-Year
Child Care Providers Responding to COVID-19
Jacqueline Lewittes, Law, Letters, and Society, 3rd-Year; Fady Shokry, Economics, 4th-Year
Exploring the Closet: Reconceptualizing Machismo through Masculinity
José Morin, Sociology, Gender and Sexuality, 4th-Year
From Objects to Solutions: Explaining Individual Differences in Need for Cognition
Madeleine Ferrara, Economics & Visual Arts, 2nd-Year
Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds of U.S. Randomized Controlled Trials in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Comparison to U.S. General Population: A Retrospective Review
Noel Cercizi, Chemistry & Psychology, 2nd-Year; Yifei Wu, Biochemistry, 2nd-Year; Crystal Park, Linguistics, 3rd-Year
The Politics of Complaints: Responsiveness and Repression in Chinese Municipal Government Since 2013
Tianhao Hou, Sociology, 4th-Year
Psychological Resilience and Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yena Kim, Psychology, 4th-Year