Vine-growing and Winemaking in the Roman World: An international conference. 27-29 October 2021
Dimitri Van Limbergen, Emlyn Dodd and Maria Stella Busana. Hosted by the Belgian Academy, British School at Rome, Royal Dutch Institute at Rome
This three-day hybrid event brings together archaeologists and classicists worldwide to debate current developments in the field of Roman vine and wine studies. Almost 30 years after the seminal 'La production du vin et de l’huile en Méditerranée' volume by Amouretti & Brun (1993), and some 15 years after its monumental four-part follow-up 'Archéologie du vin et de l’huile' by Brun (2003-2005), the corpus of viticultural material has steadily grown in various parts of the Roman world, while the archaeological study of Roman wine has evolved into a highly dynamic and multidisciplinary field. The time is ripe then to draw up a new state of the field, to upgrade our knowledge on data and methods, and to discuss how to steer forward the study of Roman viniculture into new, pertinent and promising directions.
Alongside the main section of the conference – with over 40 specialists updating our views on these matters in East and West over six territorial sessions – the symposium also includes keynote lectures by Jean-Pierre Brun, Andrew Wilson and Patrick McGovern, a virtual poster session (with 30 entries) for showcasing new and ongoing research, and an ancient wine tasting experience.
The conference is conceptualized as a hybrid multilocation event, and will take place at the Academia Belgica, the British School at Rome, and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.
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Filter displayed posters (112 keywords)
Production of 'pre'-Falerno wine at the Roman Villa of Colombrello (Mondragone, CE)
L. Crimaco, A. Carcaiso, and A. Pecci
Wine production at the so called Thermopolium V, 4, 6 8 at Pompeii
A. Pecci, S. Ritondale, S. Mileto, L. Toniolo, V. Amoretti, and D. Cottica
Northern Liburnia as a wine producing region? Indirect evidence for wine production in the NE Adriatic
Ana Konestra, Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan
New Amphorae Stamps from Terracina – Agro Pontino
Andrea Di Rosa
Archaeology and Geography: Wine Production and Agricultural Suitability in the Roman Adriatic Region
Andrew McLean
Les pressoirs à levier tout en bois dans les installations vinicoles de Gaule tempérée : un premier bilan.
Christophe Bost
I palmenti rupestri di Bosa
Cinzia Loi
The most ancient testimonies of vine cultivation in Sardinia date back to the Middle Bronze Age (XV-XIV century. B.C.). However, even though recent research on wine and vine archaeology on the island has developed considerably, a lot of questions about the vine origins and its domestication, and about wine-making methods, are still to be answered. For this purpose, the writer has undertaken a study aiming at creating a typological-functional catalogue of the so-called “palmenti”, the stone, or rock-cut tanks where the grape treading process was carried out. Here I am presenting the first results achieved in the historical zone of Sardinia named Planargia. In this territory , following several campaigns of research and field work, nearly forty “palmenti” have been found. In the circumstances, it is suggested that the rock-cut presses surveyed at S'abba Druche be attributed to the Roman period. The area around these presses is partially circumscribed by an elliptical groove, perhaps intended to protect the feature from rainwater runoff. Another hypothesis is that it is a groove designed to accommodate the perimeter walls of a protective structure. In addition to this, other shallow channels and some post holes are observed.
Paleoworking Sardegna Photo Contest
Cinzia Loi
Wine production in the Santa Marina villa - Istria (Croatia)
Corinne ROUSSE (AMU, CNRS, CCJ), Nicolas GARNIER (LNG), Gaetano BENCIC (ZMP), Davor MUNDA (ZMP)
Wine production at the Roman Villa of Pont del Treball Digne: Structures and residue analysis in Barcino's Ager (Barcelona, Spain)
Daniel Alcubierre, Jordi Ardiaca, Pere Lluis Artigues, Toni Rigo, Carme Mirò, et al.
The debate on Negev viticulture and Gaza Wine in Late Antiquity
Daniel Fuks, Gideon Avni & Guy Bar-Oz
Food Safety and Viticulture in Roman Italy
Smaranda Andrews, David Hollander, and Rachel Meyers
Archaeology of Wine in Calabria (Italy)
Domenico Michele Surace
El lagar rupestre romano del castro de Sta. Lucía (Freás-Astariz, Castrelo de Miño, Ourense): Datación e Interpretación
Fermín E. Pérez Losada, Jessica Silvares de Dios, Eduardo Breogán Nieto Muñiz, Patricia Valle Abad
New evidence of vine-growing in the territory of Pompeii
Florian Seiler
Charting evidence for Roman-period wine production in the Pontine Region
Gijs Tol, Tymon de Haas, Barbara Borgers and Filmo Verhagen
Wine Amphorae stoppers from the Ancient Ships of Pisa-San Rossore
Andrea Camilli, Gloriana Pace, Teresa Tescione
Late Roman Amphoraes from Tayfur Sökmen Campus Excavation
Hikmet Kılınçoğlu
The torcularium of Bilbilis Augusta (Hispania)
Ignacio-Javier Gil-Crespo, Estefanía Herrero-García, José-Miguel Labrador-Vielva, Yolanda Peña-Cervantes
Wine drinking in the beer region. The case of the roadside station of Žuta Lokva (Lika, Croatia)
Ivana Ozanic Roguljic
High-imperial wine production in the Portuguese Alto Douro: New data on the Alto da Fonte do Milho winery (Peso da Régua)
Javier Larrazabal Galarza and Yolanda Pena Cervantes
Industrial Production of Gazan and Ashqelonean Wines at Yavne, Southern Israel
Jon Seligman, Elie Haddad and Liat Nadav-Ziv
Roman villa of Valcuenda (Rus-Jaén)
Jose L. Serrano; Marcos Soto Fabian Valcárcel; Emilio Sánchez
The Queiles valley (Spain): an example of long-term wine production.
Marta Gómara Miramón, Óscar Bonilla Santander, Ángel Santos Horneros y Miriam Pérez Aranda
Torcularium or cella vinaria? On the function of the rooms in the north wing of the ‘House of the Red Columns’ of Sisapo-La Bienvenida (Almodóvar del Campo, Ciudad Real)
Mª Rosa Pina Burón, Mar Zarzalejos Prieto, Germán Esteban Borrajo, Patricia Hevia Gómez
The Wine Production of Roman Epirus: Chasing Wineries Using Collecting Vats as Proxies for Understanding the Nature and Scale of Production
Nefeli Pirée Iliou
Contribution of new modeling tools to the study of vineyards and viticulture in the Roman Empire
Nicolas Bernigaud, Alberte Bondeau, Joël Guiot, Laurent Bouby
Viticulture and Roman Wine in Hispaniae: Tarraconensis, Baetica and Lusitania provinces. A comparative view of three case studies research.
Antoni Martín i Oliveras, Víctor Revilla Calvo, Pedro Trapero-Fernández, André Carneiro
A New Form of Cylindrical Tank for Wine Production at Podere Marzuolo (IT)
Rhodora G. Vennarucci, Alessandra Pecci, Simona Mileto, Gijs W. Tol, and Astrid Van Oyen
Roman Villa of Villamagna (Urbisaglia, Mc, Italy): Summary of the 2018-2021 Fieldwork
Riccardo Carmenati; Roberto Perna
Grape Exploitation in the Roman Villa at Villamagna (Regio V - Picenum): Implication from Biometrical and Morphological Approaches Analysing Ancient Grape Pips
Riccardo Carmenati; Francesco Breglia; Girolamo Fiorentino; Roberto Perna
Continuation and Change in Maritime Transport Containerization of Wine in the Roman World During the Middle to Late Byzantine Period
Savannah Ulalian Bishop
The roman wynery of "El Peral". Presentation and first results.
Tomás Torres González, Miguel Angel Hervás, Diego Lucendo,Luis Alejandro García, Manuel Melero (1), Domingo Fernández, Yolanda Peña Cervantes (2), Julián Vélez (3)
This winery (torcularium vinícola) features an internal articulation that is precisely adapted to the winemaking cycle. It has two perfectly defined environments: one of them linked to the crushing-pressing of the grape, to the southwest, and the other to the wine fermentation process, to the northeast. The archaeological intervention carried out has made it possible to save from destruction one of the most important rural complexes from the Roman period existing in Castilla-La Mancha and a unique complex in the province of Ciudad Real. It is very rare to document a winery in a complete way, with all the structures related to wine production, as it has happened in El Peral. Its dimensions make it one of the largest late-Roman wine facilities excavated so far in Hispania and the largest and most complete of the Roman wineries excavated so far in Castilla La-Mancha.
It presents an exceptional state of conservation. All the structures are perfectly recognizable, such as the cella vinaria, the calcatorium and the lacus, with a minimum capacity of 4500 liters. The dimensions of the cella vinaria allow us to conclude that we are facing a rural settlement with a very high capacity for wine production, in line with the current wine production capacity of the region.
The discovery of the “El Peral’s winery allows to vindicate the importance of wine production in the region already in Roman times which was unknown. Its recovery would make it possible to link the millenary tradition of this city with wine, as this is the first and oldest direct evidence of wine production in Valdepeñas and the first clear evidence of Roman wine production in the province of Ciudad Real