Vine-growing and Winemaking in the Roman World: An international conference. 27-29 October 2021

Dimitri Van Limbergen, Emlyn Dodd and Maria Stella Busana. Hosted by the Belgian Academy, British School at Rome, Royal Dutch Institute at Rome

This three-day hybrid event brings together archaeologists and classicists worldwide to debate current developments in the field of Roman vine and wine studies. Almost 30 years after the seminal 'La production du vin et de l’huile en Méditerranée' volume by Amouretti & Brun (1993), and some 15 years after its monumental four-part follow-up 'Archéologie du vin et de l’huile' by Brun (2003-2005), the corpus of viticultural material has steadily grown in various parts of the Roman world, while the archaeological study of Roman wine has evolved into a highly dynamic and multidisciplinary field. The time is ripe then to draw up a new state of the field, to upgrade our knowledge on data and methods, and to discuss how to steer forward the study of Roman viniculture into new, pertinent and promising directions.

Alongside the main section of the conference – with over 40 specialists updating our views on these matters in East and West over six territorial sessions – the symposium also includes keynote lectures by Jean-Pierre Brun, Andrew Wilson and Patrick McGovern, a virtual poster session (with 30 entries) for showcasing new and ongoing research, and an ancient wine tasting experience.

The conference is conceptualized as a hybrid multilocation event, and will take place at the Academia Belgica, the British School at Rome, and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.

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wine (6) press (4) residue (3) Amphora (2) Amphorae (2) Archaeology (2) Pompeii (2) Roman Villa (2) Sardinia (2) Spain (2) Villamagna (2) Viticulture (2) contest (2) rock-cut wine presses (2) stone wine-presses (2) villa (2) show more... Adriatic/Ionian (1) Agent-based modeling (1) Agricultural Suitability (1) Agriculture (1) Amphora production (1) Amphora stamps (1) Barrel (1) Barrels (1) Byzantine (1) Calabria (1) Cascantum (1) Cellar (1) Central Italy (1) Ceramic (1) Ceramics (1) Croatia (1) Domus (1) Economic Archaeology (1) Epirus (1) GIS analysis (1) Galicia (1) Gaule romaine (1) Gaza (1) Gaza Wine (1) Hispania (1) Israel (1) Italy (1) Late Roman (1) Maritime Archaeology (1) Marzuolo (1) Mondragone (1) Negev (1) PCA (1) Pisa shipwrecks (1) Portugal (1) Quantitative Analysis (1) Queiles valley (Spain) (1) Roman Adriatic (1) Roman Greece (1) Roman Italy (1) Roman province Dalmatia (1) Roman wine production (1) Rural Settlement. (1) Sisapo (1) Southern Pontine Plain (1) Stoppers (1) Storage (1) Terracina (1) Trade Networks (1) Turiaso (1) VILLA - WINE PROCESSING - BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS - ANTIQUITY (1) Vinum Gazetum (1) Wine (1) Wine amphorae (1) Wine consumption (1) Wine production (1) Wynery (1) agrosystemic modeling (1) amphorae (1) archaebotany (1) archaeology of wine (1) biometric analyses (1) chronology (1) collecting vats (1) comparative studies (1) dolia (1) excavation (1) falernian (1) geomorphometric analyses (1) grape seeds (1) hispania (1) in-vat fermentation (1) installations de vinification (1) lagar (1) methods of vine-growing (1) northern Liburnia (1) predictive modeling (1) pressoir en bois (1) production patterns (1) province Dalmatia (1) residue analyses (1) rock-cut units (1) roman (1) roman vineyards (1) romano (1) soil (1) soil cultivation (1) spatial analysis (1) thin walled pottery (1) torcularium (1) vine (1) vineyard excavation (1) vineyard location (1) vyne making (1) wine production (1) Žuta Lokva (1)
Show Posters:

Production of 'pre'-Falerno wine at the Roman Villa of Colombrello (Mondragone, CE)

L. Crimaco, A. Carcaiso, and A. Pecci

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Presented by
Alessandra Pecci
Museo Civico Archeologico 'Biagio Greco' Mondragone
Mondragone, villa, falernian, press, residue

Wine production at the so called Thermopolium V, 4, 6 8 at Pompeii

A. Pecci, S. Ritondale, S. Mileto, L. Toniolo, V. Amoretti, and D. Cottica

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Presented by
Alessandra Pecci
Universitat de Barcelona
Pompeii, wine, residue

Northern Liburnia as a wine producing region? Indirect evidence for wine production in the NE Adriatic

Ana Konestra, Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan

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While literary sources suggest a wine-producing industry in Roman Dalmatia, its scale and character are still elusive due to, especially for certain micro-regions, relatively modest data on the actual production loci. In such cases turning to indirect evidence of wine production is the only approach allowing to understand this activity, and to attempt to assess its scale and actors involved. On this occasion we will focus on early Imperial amphorae types whose production has been ascertained and located in the northern part of ancient province Dalmatia, that is, Liburnia. In fact, the identification of several types usually connected to the transport of wine allows to better understand this branch of the Roman economy through the study of objects, landscape connected with their production and patterns of their distribution. What emerges is a regional vocation towards wine production, driven by foreign investment through the setup of rural productive complexes whose output targeted the regional, but in some instances possibly a wider Adriatic market.
Presented by
Ana Konestra
Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia
Wine amphorae, province Dalmatia, northern Liburnia,

New Amphorae Stamps from Terracina – Agro Pontino

Andrea Di Rosa

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A group of amphora stamps have been found in Terracina (Agro Pontino). The discovery site is located at the convergence between the main road network (Via Appia) and the fluvial one (Porto dei Sandali), closely connected to the large seaport. Several classes of heterogeneous material were found in the archaeological survey: these include fragments of transport amphorae, from the 2nd century B.C. to the 2nd century A.D. The attested amphorae consists of several fragments of Dressel 1A-C, and Lamboglia 2 but also sporadic fragments of Rhodian, Greek-Italic and Brindisi amphorae.
Presented by
Andrea Di Rosa <>
Affiliated researcher - Groningen Institute of Archaeology (NL)
Archaeology, Amphora stamps, Terracina, Southern Pontine Plain

Archaeology and Geography: Wine Production and Agricultural Suitability in the Roman Adriatic Region

Andrew McLean

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This project represents the initial phase of comparing the geographical and ecological landscape of the Adriatic region to the archaeological evidence for wine production during the Roman period. It is data driven with a quantitative focus. The concept of agricultural suitability is frequently discussed, by both modern and ancient authors, in reference to vine cultivation and wine production, but rarely with a quantitative approach to data. Goodchild (2009) highlights the statistical frequency with which sites are found on slopes of certain gradients and aspects. Similarly, Cato (de Agri Cultura, 1.2-4) describes preferences for certain slopes when choosing locations for vineyards. Using this information, a numerical value for agricultural suitability, based on favoured slopes from modern Digital elevation Models, is assigned to the Adriatic region. This offers a comparable, quantitative metric for agricultural suitability. Data for wine presses can then be compared, showing a clear correlation. In certain cases, the archaeological and geographical data do not line up. This proves particularly interesting, as alternative, more nuanced, explanations for the distribution of wine presses must be sought. Future analysis will seek to create a more robust and replicable model for assessing agricultural suitability. This will take account of transport networks, urban centres and local climate. Nevertheless, early results highlight the potential for more quantitative approaches in understanding ancient wine production.
Presented by
Andrew McLean <>
University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Agricultural Suitability, Roman Adriatic, Croatia, Italy, Quantitative Analysis
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Available Friday 29th October, 11:00-12:00 (Meeting ID: 213 225 0107 Passcode: Adriatic)
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Les pressoirs à levier tout en bois dans les installations vinicoles de Gaule tempérée : un premier bilan.

Christophe Bost

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Les fouilles de nombreuses installations vinicoles antiques ont permis de mettre en évidence une grande diversité des types de pressoirs employés. Si, pour l’Antiquité, on connaît l’usage de pressoirs à torsion, à coins ou à vis centrale, les pressoirs à levier sont sans aucun doute les mieux renseignés. Pourtant, plusieurs découvertes archéologiques récentes les concernant, dans les provinces romaines d’Aquitaine et de Lyonnaise permettent de documenter un type de machine jusqu’alors passé inaperçu pour cette période : des pressoirs tout en bois dont on ne retrouve, lors des fouilles, que des traces négatives. Ainsi, il semble possible de proposer un premier bilan de nos connaissances des débuts de la diffusion de ce type particulier de pressoir à levier.
Presented by
Christophe Bost <>
installations de vinification, pressoir en bois, Gaule romaine

I palmenti rupestri di Bosa

Cinzia Loi

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The ancient rock-cut presses of Bosa

The most ancient testimonies of vine cultivation in Sardinia date back to the Middle Bronze Age (XV-XIV century. B.C.). However, even though recent research on wine and vine archaeology on the island has developed considerably, a lot of questions about the vine origins and its domestication, and about wine-making methods, are still to be answered. For this purpose, the writer has undertaken a study aiming at creating a typological-functional catalogue of the so-called “palmenti”, the stone, or rock-cut tanks where the grape treading process was carried out. Here I am presenting the first results achieved in the historical zone of Sardinia named Planargia. In this territory , following several campaigns of research and field work, nearly forty “palmenti” have been found. In the circumstances, it is suggested that the rock-cut presses surveyed at S'abba Druche be attributed to the Roman period. The area around these presses is partially circumscribed by an elliptical groove, perhaps intended to protect the feature from rainwater runoff. Another hypothesis is that it is a groove designed to accommodate the perimeter walls of a protective structure. In addition to this, other shallow channels and some post holes are observed.
Presented by
Cinzia Loi <>
Associazione Paleoworking Sardegna
stone wine-presses, wine, rock-cut wine presses, contest, Sardinia
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Available 27-29 ottobre 2021 a partire dalle ore 9.00
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Paleoworking Sardegna Photo Contest

Cinzia Loi

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In the territory of Ardauli, a small village of the central-west Sardinia, the vine is trained as a sapling and dozens of different grapes are grown. In this territory, there are numerous rock-cut winepresses, called here “lacos de catzigare”. A recent study established a typologically organized gazetteer of the rock-cut devices surveyed in this area of Sardinia. The basic type includes two tanks – a treading basin and a collecting vat – excavated in the bedrock and linked by a perforated hole or by an open channel. Paleoworking Sardegna, an archaeological association consisting of professional archaeologists, organized a photo contest, under the theme “I palmenti rupestri di Ardauli“ to raise awareness about the protection and valorization of rock-cut wine presses in this region of Sardinia. To date, 64 wine presses were documented in the territory survey, the majority of which have been preserved complete. These installations are divided into five Types based on their mechanism. Multiple subtypes can be delineated within several of these classifications. 32 of these installations had been previously documented by other research.
Presented by
Cinzia Loi
Associazione Paleoworking Sardegna
stone wine-presses, wine, rock-cut wine presses, contest, Sardinia
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Available 27-29 ottobre 2021 a partire dalle ore 9.00
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Wine production in the Santa Marina villa - Istria (Croatia)

Corinne ROUSSE (AMU, CNRS, CCJ), Nicolas GARNIER (LNG), Gaetano BENCIC (ZMP), Davor MUNDA (ZMP)

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Recent surveys have revealed the pars fructuaria of the aristocratic villa of Santa Marina (Porec -Istria, Croatia), with well preserved equipments, partly dedicated to wine production as just demonstrated by biochemical analyses. This tends to confirm a model already put forward by J.-P. Brun (2004) for the main villas of the Brioni islands.
Presented by
Corinne Rousse <>
Aix Marseille university, CNRS, Centre Camille Jullian (in collaboration with Zavičajni muzej Poreštine - SAS Laboratoire N. Garnier, Vic-le-Comte / AoRoc )

Wine production at the Roman Villa of Pont del Treball Digne: Structures and residue analysis in Barcino's Ager (Barcelona, Spain)

Daniel Alcubierre, Jordi Ardiaca, Pere Lluis Artigues, Toni Rigo, Carme Mirò, et al.

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Presented by
Daniel Alcubierre
Museu d'Història de Barcelona
Spain, press, villa, residue

The debate on Negev viticulture and Gaza Wine in Late Antiquity

Daniel Fuks, Gideon Avni & Guy Bar-Oz

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One hundred fifty years after the first published reference in modern Western scholarship to ancient wine production in Israel’s Negev desert, two recent studies reached opposite conclusions on the extent and intensity of Byzantine Negev Highland viticulture and its relationship to contemporaneous ‘Gaza wine’. This raises wider questions on how to evaluate apparently conflicting archaeological evidence for ancient microregional production and trade, with relevance to longstanding debates on the nature of the ancient Mediterranean economy and the onset of the Middle Ages in Europe. We survey different sources of evidence for Negev Highland viticulture and demonstrate problems of equifinality in winepress output calculations. Incorporating new data contributing to a more holistic synthesis, we offer a middle-road approach to the relationship between archaeologically attested Negev viticulture and ‘Gaza wine’ of Late Antique historical texts. We close with unresolved issues and promising directions for future research.
Presented by
Daniel Fuks <>
University of Cambridge
Negev, Viticulture, Vinum Gazetum, Gaza Wine, Economic Archaeology
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Available Wed Oct 27, 5pm London (UTC+1) = 6pm Rome = 7pm Jerusalem
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Food Safety and Viticulture in Roman Italy

Smaranda Andrews, David Hollander, and Rachel Meyers

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Food safety is the “absence – or safe, acceptable levels – of hazards in food that may harm the health of consumers” [WHO]. Such hazards include bacteria, viruses, and other toxins. The World Health Organization estimates that unsafe foods cause hundreds of millions to become ill and around 420,000 to die each year. Given the scale of the modern food safety problem even in countries with major regulatory regimes governing the cultivation, processing, storage, and handling of foodstuffs, one must ask to what extent foodborne hazards impacted the Romans who had no knowledge of germs. The answer may have profound implications for our understanding of Roman demography, economy, and well-being. Although scholars have considered aspects of this question (such as lead contamination of drinking water, Salmonella, and helminths), Roman food safety has yet to receive a sustained and comprehensive examination. This poster, part of a broader project, considers the role of Roman viticulture.
Presented by
David Hollander <>
Iowa State University
Agriculture,Roman Italy,Viticulture

Archaeology of Wine in Calabria (Italy)

Domenico Michele Surace

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The vine and the wine have performed an important function in Calabria’s economic history since the origins of the cultivation of the Vitis Vinifera by the Oenotrians. As of today, however, the research on the archeology of wine in the region is very limitated. The work carried out in Calabria, within the activities of the Immensa Aequora Project (P.I. Prof. G. Olcese) intended to pursue a multidisciplinary study able to integrate the aspects of the historical-archaeological investigation with those of the agronomic and environmental research. In consideration of this approach, the research took into consideration different fields: the ancient rural landscape and the parameters of its exploitation, with specific reference to the vine, the ancient structures of wine production (the rock-cut units), the production system in the Roman age in the villae of the territory, finally, the trade of the wine (documented by the vinary amphorae of a Calabrian origin).
Presented by
Domenico Michele Surace
Università degli Studi di Milano
archaeology of wine, Calabria, rock-cut units, vine

El lagar rupestre romano del castro de Sta. Lucía (Freás-Astariz, Castrelo de Miño, Ourense): Datación e Interpretación

Fermín E. Pérez Losada, Jessica Silvares de Dios, Eduardo Breogán Nieto Muñiz, Patricia Valle Abad

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Se presenta el análisis arqueológico de un lagar rupestre inédito recientemente descubierto y excavado (campañas 2016 y 2017) en el castro de Sta. Lucía (Freás-Astariz, Castrelo de Miño, Ourense) en el Noroeste de la península Ibérica. El estudio detallado del contexto estratigráfico, de los materiales aparecidos y las analíticas realizadas (C14) han permitido interpretarlo claramente como un lagar vinícola de tipología romana (viga de prensión accionada mediante torno) incluido dentro de un poblado galaico-romano, además de poder datarlo con gran precisión desde finales del s. I hasta finales del s. III d.C. Se acompaña también una propuesta de reconstrucción 3D del conjunto de la estructura. Se trata del primer lagar rupestre con contexto arqueológico bien datado que aparece en la comarca del Ribeiro, afamada región de producción vitivinícola en Galicia, de ahí su gran relevancia histórica y patrimonial, puesto que constata fehacientemente que la producción de vino en la zona remonta, como mínimo, a la época romana.
Presented by
Fermin Perez Losada <>
Universidad de Vigo (Spain), Fac. Historia, grupo GEAAT
Galicia, Spain, lagar, romano

New evidence of vine-growing in the territory of Pompeii

Florian Seiler

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Ancient Pompeii is famous, among other things, for its wine, which is commonly thought to grow mainly on hillsides like Mount Vesuvius. However, recent archaeological excavations of a Roman vineyard near the river Sarno, optimally preserved under the volcanic deposits of the 79 AD eruption, have shown that wine was also grown on the alluvial plain. The related multidisciplinary analyses and micro-excavations have greatly enriched our knowledge of Pompeian viticulture, of both the practices of propagation, pruning, and training of vine as well as the layout of the field and the soil cultivation. Further evidence of vineyards in the area and the dense settlement of farmsteads (villae rusticae), specialised in wine production, confirm the hypothesis that vine was grown here successfully on a large scale, producing a surplus for export. The flourishing of this agricultural sector sheds new light on the orientation of Pompeii's economy towards viticulture in the Roman period.
Presented by
Florian Seiler <>
German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
Pompeii, vineyard excavation, methods of vine-growing, soil cultivation, vineyard location

Charting evidence for Roman-period wine production in the Pontine Region

Gijs Tol, Tymon de Haas, Barbara Borgers and Filmo Verhagen

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During the Late Republican and Early Imperial period the Pontine region (southern Lazio, Central Italy) produced several prized wines. These included the Caecuban, grown in the marshland that extended between Forum Appii and the Fondi plain; the vinum Setinum, the favorite wine of emperor Augustus - according to Martial (XIII.112) grown on the hills above Forum Appii - , whilst evidence for the large-scale production of wine has also been attested in the coastal part of the region. In this poster, we aim to present the current state of knowledge about wine production and distribution in the region, building upon the results of more than 20 years of archaeological fieldwork (field survey, geophysical and environmental research) and an extensive program of petrographic analysis on local amphora finds. The preliminary results suggest a well-articulated production organization, involving both elite estates and farmsteads (probably involved in vine growing), large (re)distribution centers, and sites which were favorably embedded in regional infrastructural networks, such as the road stations of Forum Appii and Ad Medias, active in the production of amphorae.
Presented by
Gijs Tol, Tymon de Haas, Barbara Borgers & Filmo Verhagen <>
Gijs Tol (University of Melbourne), Tymon de Haas (University of Groningen/Leiden University), Barbara Borgers (University of Vienna), Filmo Verhagen (Uppsala Universitet)
Amphora production, Storage, Wine consumption, Central Italy

Wine Amphorae stoppers from the Ancient Ships of Pisa-San Rossore

Andrea Camilli, Gloriana Pace, Teresa Tescione

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During the excavation in the railway station area of Pisa San Rossore, a deposit with numerous shipwrecks was unearthed. The archaeological site was associated with a watercourse, maybe identified with Auser river. The ships, some with cargo still on board, were embedded under eight centuries of silt; after some exceptional floods, the Arno river broke its embankments, sweeping away everything in the area of this watercourse leaving materials in the hollows of the ground. The huge amount and variety of findings from the archaeological layers, is due to the heavy commercial activities that characterized the area from the Republican to the Late Roman times. The aim of the paper is to present some specimens of wine amphorae stoppers. The particular site formation processes allowed the preservation of different sealing systems in various materials, some of which are still preserved in the original containers and some others are stamped.
Presented by
Gloriana Pace <>
Museo delle Navi Antiche di Pisa (SABAP Pisa e Livorno), Università degli Studi di Napoli
Pisa shipwrecks, Amphorae, Stoppers

Late Roman Amphoraes from Tayfur Sökmen Campus Excavation

Hikmet Kılınçoğlu

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During The Tayfur Sökmen Campus Excavations located in borders of Antiocheia (Antioch) where is the rural settlement which covered 500 m2, with rectangular plan, multi-room and three phases were dig out during the excavations between 2012 and 2014. Many rooms and architectural structures have been uncovered in this rural house. A large number of ceramics in different forms and types were found in this rural house. Four amphora samples among these ceramics stand out because they have more characteristic features than the others. These examples, dated to late antiquity (3th and 7th centuries), must have been used to store up, storage for some food and beverage (wine, olive oil, water and legumes) and trade products important in rural life. The presence of these amphoras, which are thought to be of local production, indicates that trade was carried out in the area. While three of the four samples have the characteristics of LR1 amphoras, one of them has the characteristics of LR 5/6 amphoras. LR1 and LR 5/6 amphoras are widely used in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant Region.
Presented by
Hikmet Kılınçoğlu <>
Department of Archaeology, Institute of Social Science, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey.
Ceramic, Amphora, Late Roman, Rural Settlement.

The torcularium of Bilbilis Augusta (Hispania)

Ignacio-Javier Gil-Crespo, Estefanía Herrero-García, José-Miguel Labrador-Vielva, Yolanda Peña-Cervantes

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The Cultural Heritage Institute of Spain (IPCE) has commissioned the elaboration of the Master Plan of the archaeological site of Bilbilis, which was finished in 2020. A new and complete survey and an exhaustive documental recompilation have been done of the great quantity of information generated in the 50 years of excavations leaded by Prof. Dr. Manuel Martín-Bueno. In the artisanal area of the Domus del Larario a torcularium was recently excavated. This element is linked with other productive spaces, whose function is not yet well known. However, the grape pressing room has been completely excavated and reveals several functional elements very interesting. Two slots in the north wall indicate that there were, at least, two parallel praela, revealing that this space can be considered as types A3 or A4 by Brum (1986). It also contains two drainage channels and a small lacus. This torcularium is outstanding amongst the torcularia hispaniourum and it will be explained in the poster for the conference.
Presented by
Ignacio Javier Gil Crespo
Research Centre "José Joaquín de Mora"/Cárdenas Foundation, UNED

Wine drinking in the beer region. The case of the roadside station of Žuta Lokva (Lika, Croatia)

Ivana Ozanic Roguljic

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The site Žuta Lokva is situated in the hinterland of the Roman province Dalmatia, in its northern part. Before the arrival of Romans, the occupants of the region were the Illyrian tribe Iapodians. Traditionally, it is considered a beer country since it was a typical Iapodian drink. A roadside station at Žuta Lokva has been operating since the beginning of the 1st CE to the middle of 2nd CE. A large presence of pottery utensils associated with the custom of drinking wine is documented. Specially it refers to Sarius-type cups, thin-walled pottery but most notably to the presence of Dressel 2-4 amphorae from the island of Kos and Adriatic amphorae with a flat bottom (Sant’Arcangelo, Crikvenica 1).
Presented by
Ivana Ožanić Roguljić <>
Institute of archaeology - Jurjevska 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Roman province Dalmatia, wine, Žuta Lokva, amphorae, thin walled pottery

High-imperial wine production in the Portuguese Alto Douro: New data on the Alto da Fonte do Milho winery (Peso da Régua)

Javier Larrazabal Galarza and Yolanda Pena Cervantes

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Presented by
Javier Larrazabal Galarza
Universidade do Minho and UNED
Portugal, press, excavation, soil, dolia

Industrial Production of Gazan and Ashqelonean Wines at Yavne, Southern Israel

Jon Seligman, Elie Haddad and Liat Nadav-Ziv

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Presented by
Jon Seligman, Eli Haddad and Liat Nadav-Ziv
Israel Antiquities Authority
Israel, press, Gaza

Roman villa of Valcuenda (Rus-Jaén)

Jose L. Serrano; Marcos Soto Fabian Valcárcel; Emilio Sánchez

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The rescue excavation of the Roman villa of Valcuenda (Rus-Jaén) in 2020-2021 revealed that wine was produced there from at least the middle of the 1st century. The emergence of a peasantry in the territory in the form of family production units can be seen in the construction of the house and its different facilities. Valcuenda, in the River Guadalimar valley, a territory linked to the town of Castulo, had a wine production area from the outset. It was in a specific building for that use that would remain in operation until the enclave was abandoned in the middle of the 2nd century. A high demand from the population linked to the mining in the area could explain its existence.
Presented by
Jose Luis Serrano
Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología Ibérica. Universidad de Jaén.

The Queiles valley (Spain): an example of long-term wine production.

Marta Gómara Miramón, Óscar Bonilla Santander, Ángel Santos Horneros y Miriam Pérez Aranda

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Through the last archaeological works carried out in the Queiles valley -located in the middle basin of the Ebro River in the foothills of the Iberian System-, we have been able to witness a long-lasting wine production in this valley, as well as the importance of this activity in the social and economic organization and in the territorial articulation of the area. We present the results of the interventions in five rural establishments in which eight torcularia have been excavated in the territories of the Roman municipalities of Turiaso and Cascantum, whose chronologies range from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD.
Presented by
Marta Gomara Miramon
Asociación Cultural Amigos de Cascante Vicus
wine, Queiles valley (Spain), torcularium, Cascantum, Turiaso,

Torcularium or cella vinaria? On the function of the rooms in the north wing of the ‘House of the Red Columns’ of Sisapo-La Bienvenida (Almodóvar del Campo, Ciudad Real)

Mª Rosa Pina Burón, Mar Zarzalejos Prieto, Germán Esteban Borrajo, Patricia Hevia Gómez

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The House of the Red Columns is a large domus, located in the central area of ancient Sisapo-La Bienvenida. During its first phase of occupation, the north wing of the house hosted a number of spaces intended for a non-residential use, consisting of a possible winepress or cellar (room nº 4/7), an adjacent service room (storeroom) (nº 8) and a shop (nº 1). The function of the former is discussed in the present work.
Presented by
Mª Rosa Pina Burón
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Cellar, wine, Sisapo, Domus

The Wine Production of Roman Epirus: Chasing Wineries Using Collecting Vats as Proxies for Understanding the Nature and Scale of Production

Nefeli Pirée Iliou

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Pliny wrote that the prolific basilica vine, lauded also by Columella for its fecundity alongside the biturca, was espoused by the people of Dyrrachium in northern Epirus (NH 14.4; De re rustica, 3.2.19). The basilica vine was imported to Italy by the early Empire, featuring prominently in Roman agricultural writings, but its Epirote production is little-understood; Epirus’ capacity to produce anything other than mythical animals was dismissed, as when Robert Étienne proposed it in 1984, because archaeological evidence for wine production lacked. Today salvage archaeology uncovered ca. 35 collecting vats from 24 sites connected to viti- or olei-culture. This poster presents preliminary work that is part of my on-going doctoral research on these vats and their ceramic contents, distinguishes, where possible, the productions associated with them, determines their possible chronology, and evaluates their capacity and output. It argues that the development of Epirote wine production reflected that of Central Adriatic Italy, on a smaller scale but with a few large-scale producers. Unlike other Adriatic viticultural industries, that of Epirus, however, did not decline but increased in the later 2nd and 3rd centuries CE.
Presented by
Nefeli Pirée Iliou
University of Oxford
Epirus, Roman Greece, Adriatic/Ionian, wine production, collecting vats, chronology

Contribution of new modeling tools to the study of vineyards and viticulture in the Roman Empire

Nicolas Bernigaud, Alberte Bondeau, Joël Guiot, Laurent Bouby

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If historical sources and archaeological data, ever more numerous, allow us to sketch little by little a geography of the vineyards in the Roman Empire, the gray areas are still numerous because of the incomplete state of the data as well as an uneven state of research according to the countries. In this poster we will present different new modeling methods (agrosystemic, predictive, multi-agent) that make it possible to restore areas favorable to the establishment of vineyards in Roman times, but also the yields and potential profits that the owners could have derived from the vine. These models are based on the crossing of multiple socio-economic and environmental factors, as well as paleoclimatic data. If the first results that we will present concern Gaul more specifically, these new tools now also offer the prospect of working more widely on the scale of the Roman Empire.
Presented by
Nicolas Bernigaud
Université d'Aix-Marseille, CEREGE, IMBE, ISEM
Agent-based modeling, agrosystemic modeling, spatial analysis, roman vineyards

Viticulture and Roman Wine in Hispaniae: Tarraconensis, Baetica and Lusitania provinces. A comparative view of three case studies research.

Antoni Martín i Oliveras, Víctor Revilla Calvo, Pedro Trapero-Fernández, André Carneiro

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Viticulture developed a significant role in the global economy of some Roman provinces. The study of Roman viticulture in Hispaniae is very uneven in each territories with great differences with respect to the information provided by literary and archaeological sources and the development of historical and archaeological research in every one. The Tarraconensis, Baetica and Lusitania were important winegrowing areas, but with very different settlement and production patterns between the 1st century BC and the 3rd century AD. This study aims to do an assessment on this subject and three regional case studies research are compared showing different perspectives: The ancient Laetanian region (Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis), the left bank of the Lower Guadalquivir River (Hispania Ulterior-Baetica) and the Upper Alentejo interior region (Hispania Ulterior-Lusitania) are ancient Roman winegrowing areas susceptible to be studied using predictive modeling & geomatic analysis.
Presented by
Pedro Trapero Fernández
University of Barcelona, University of Cádiz, University of Évora
Wine production, Hispania, predictive modeling, production patterns, comparative studies, GIS analysis

A New Form of Cylindrical Tank for Wine Production at Podere Marzuolo (IT)

Rhodora G. Vennarucci, Alessandra Pecci, Simona Mileto, Gijs W. Tol, and Astrid Van Oyen

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In 2018, during excavations of an opus reticulatum complex that may have functioned as a villa rustica or agricultural processing center in its initial occupational phase in the late 1st c BCE/early 1st c CE, the Marzuolo Archaeological Project uncovered two large cylindrical cement-lined tanks sunk into the floor of a room paved with opus signinum. Residue analyses (gas chromatography and mass spectrometry) of samples from the tanks’ plaster confirmed the presence of tartaric acid with succinic and malic acids at the bottom of one tank, likely evidence for its use in winemaking. While the western half of this room remains unexcavated, a lack of comparisons for the cement tanks, which have a raised lip but no inlet/outlet pipes, and an absence within the excavation area of a press or fermentation jars suggest that winemaking at Podere Marzuolo may have involved a treading floor and aerobic fermentation inside the tanks.
Presented by
Rhodora G. Vennarucci <>
University of Arkansas; ERAAUB, Universitat de Barcelona; University of Melbourne; Cornell University
Roman wine production, residue analyses, in-vat fermentation, Marzuolo

Roman Villa of Villamagna (Urbisaglia, Mc, Italy): Summary of the 2018-2021 Fieldwork

Riccardo Carmenati; Roberto Perna

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In 2017 the University of Macerata re-started archaeological excavation activities at the Roman villa of Villamagna (Urbisaglia, MC, Italy). The complex is located within the territory of the nearby colony of Pollentia-Urbs Salvia. The investigations initially focused on pars Dominica (2017-2018) and then gradually moved to pars Rustica (2018-2021). We tried to increase our understanding of the situation bequeathed to us by the previous excavation campaigns (2007-2011) and then continued the study and excavation of the present structures, namely: two dolia defossa, four cocciopesto basins (two of which are connected and one with steps and collection tank), one opus spicatum tank and at least twelve other dolia. Archaeobotanical analyses of more than 2000 grape seeds discovered at the site have allowed us to confirm that grapes were among the main products stored here and/or processed. A summary of the last three fieldworks in this area of the villa will be presented here.
Presented by
Riccardo Carmenati <>
University of Macerata
Roman Villa, Villamagna
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Available October 27th, 6-7 pm / October 28th, 6-7 pm; October 29th, 6-7 pm
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Grape Exploitation in the Roman Villa at Villamagna (Regio V - Picenum): Implication from Biometrical and Morphological Approaches Analysing Ancient Grape Pips

Riccardo Carmenati; Francesco Breglia; Girolamo Fiorentino; Roberto Perna

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Villamagna, a Roman villa in the countryside of Urbisaglia (Marche, Central Italy) housed important gentes of the nearby colony of Pollentia-Urbs Salvia, such as the Herenni, a branch of which had been active in wine trade. A rich carpological assemblage, dating back to the Imperial age, was collected here. As Vitis vinifera is the most recurring taxon (2248 whole pips and 414 fragments) we had a clue on the importance of grape exploitation in this productive context. We opted for a biometric approach to better understand its archaeobotanical significance and, for most of the analysed pips, the indices fall within the wild subspecies range. We then applied geometric morphometry on 169 pips aiming to stress out any morphological variability through PCA. This preliminary data allows to formulate more specific questions about wild/domestic grape exploitation in Roman villas, as well as the features of wine production, if it took place, how and where.
Presented by
Riccardo Carmenati
University of Macerata; University of Salento
Roman Villa, Villamagna, PCA, geomorphometric analyses, biometric analyses, grape seeds, archaebotany
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Available October 27th, 6-7 pm / October 28th, 6-7 pm; October 29th, 6-7 pm
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Continuation and Change in Maritime Transport Containerization of Wine in the Roman World During the Middle to Late Byzantine Period

Savannah Ulalian Bishop

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Maritime transport containers in the Roman World during the Middle to Late Byzantine Periods underwent two distinct technological changes: the long-standing ceramic amphora reaching the technological limit of its form and simultaneously competing technologies, foremost among them the barrel, rose to prominence. These maritime transport containers reflect their larger economic contexts, speaking to the networks of connection and exchange which they were an integral part in facilitating. In the Mediterranean both Eastern regional trends and powers, prominently the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic states, and Western regional trends and powers, prominently the timber trade – due to the rise in barrels – and the trade of the Italian maritime states, played an important role effecting this change in containerization. Through an examination of evidences textual – the Byzantine administrative documents, the Cairo Geniza, and the Byzantine typika – and archaeological – the Novy Syet, the Serçe Limanı, and Camalti Burnu-I shipwrecks, this poster seeks to provide a greater understanding of how and why these changes in maritime transport containers of wine occurred.
Presented by
Savannah Bishop
Koç University, Archaeology and History of Art Department, Maritime Specialization
Maritime Archaeology, Amphora, Amphorae, Ceramics, Wine, Archaeology, Byzantine, Barrel, Barrels, Trade Networks

The roman wynery of "El Peral". Presentation and first results.

Tomás Torres González, Miguel Angel Hervás, Diego Lucendo,Luis Alejandro García, Manuel Melero (1), Domingo Fernández, Yolanda Peña Cervantes (2), Julián Vélez (3)

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Between July and August 2020, an emergency archaeological intervention was carried out as a result of the roundabout`s construction works to allow a better access through the El Peral site to the city of Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real). The archaeological allowed the discovery more than 1500 m² of buildings belonging to a rural complex of some importance. The rural complex consisted of several residential buildings and wine production, dated, in the current state of research, between the 1st and 5th centuries AD. C. Ignoring the possible Iberian structures, the oldest building was built in the middle of the 1st century AD. It is a large quadrangular building with a central courtyard. It has been excavated 350 m², barely a third of its total surface. Later on, sometimes in the 3rd or 4th centuries AD, the villa was extended to the northwest with the construction of a rectangular winery with a northeast-southwest orientation and a area of 340 m². Also, at the same date, another building was built to the south with a current surface area of 240 m² without having found its limits. The winery appears on the north side of the complex. It has an area 340 m², with a rectangular floor plan and a northeast-southwest orientation. The winery joins the structures of the high-imperial villa at its southeast corner. The winery walls were built with masonry based on interlocked limestone and plastered with a mortar very rich in lime.

This winery (torcularium vinícola) features an internal articulation that is precisely adapted to the winemaking cycle. It has two perfectly defined environments: one of them linked to the crushing-pressing of the grape, to the southwest, and the other to the wine fermentation process, to the northeast. The archaeological intervention carried out has made it possible to save from destruction one of the most important rural complexes from the Roman period existing in Castilla-La Mancha and a unique complex in the province of Ciudad Real. It is very rare to document a winery in a complete way, with all the structures related to wine production, as it has happened in El Peral. Its dimensions make it one of the largest late-Roman wine facilities excavated so far in Hispania and the largest and most complete of the Roman wineries excavated so far in Castilla La-Mancha.

It presents an exceptional state of conservation. All the structures are perfectly recognizable, such as the cella vinaria, the calcatorium and the lacus, with a minimum capacity of 4500 liters. The dimensions of the cella vinaria allow us to conclude that we are facing a rural settlement with a very high capacity for wine production, in line with the current wine production capacity of the region.

The discovery of the “El Peral’s winery allows to vindicate the importance of wine production in the region already in Roman times which was unknown. Its recovery would make it possible to link the millenary tradition of this city with wine, as this is the first and oldest direct evidence of wine production in Valdepeñas and the first clear evidence of Roman wine production in the province of Ciudad Real

Presented by
Tomas Torres González <>
1. Baraka Arqueologos S.L. - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distnacia (UNED - 3. Ayuntamiento de Valdepeñas
Wynery, vyne making, roman, hispania