US AMOC Science Team Meeting
After 14 years of coordinated activities, the US AMOC Science Team will convene for a final time at the 2022 US AMOC Science Team Meeting. The Science Team was established in 2008 to facilitate the dissemination of recent research results, identify gaps in measuring, understanding, and modeling of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its impacts, and aid the coordination of efforts across 80+ agency-sponsored projects. The Science Team leaves behind many legacy products including the joint US AMOC/UK RAPID AGU special collection and its corresponding webinar series and white papers for OceanObs’19 describing the observed transport and variability of AMOC and AMOC-related modeling challenges. Although the US AMOC Science Team will be sunsetting in 2022, AMOC-related projects and activities will continue to be worked on. Visit the US AMOC page to learn more about AMOC research and the Science Team.
The meeting aims to bring together members of the climate and ocean science communities who are interested in AMOC-related research to review recent progress and to identify emerging research gaps and questions. A major goal is to develop a short report, summarizing future opportunities and directions on how to continue AMOC-related activities in a nationally and internationally coordinated manner beyond the lifetime of the Science Team.
All poster sessions will be held from 9:40-11:00AM EDT (UTC-4).
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▼ Day 1. Sub-Arctic/North Atlantic; Observing System Implementation and Evaluation Back to top
Overturning and Water Mass Transformation in the Subpolar North Atlantic
L C Jackson, T Petit
Simulated and Observed AMOC Transport Estimates in the North and South Atlantic
Frederic Castruccio, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Richard Small, Renellys Perez, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Matthias Lankhorst, Shenfu Dong, Marion Kersale, and Chris Meinen
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Rapid Freshening of Iceland Scotland Overflow Water Driven by Entrainment of a Major Upper Ocean Salinity Anomaly
Manish Devana, William E. Johns, Sijia Zou, Adam Houk
The impact of mesoscale variability on northward volume transport in the Irminger Sea
Nora Fried and M. Femke de Jong
We used high resolution mooring data from 2014 – 2020 from the IC mooring array to investigate its transport variability. The mean volume transport obtained for the IC is 10.4 Sv but it strongly varies on time scales from days to months (std. dev. of 4.3 Sv). In 2019, a 6-month intensification of the IC led to exceptionally strong transport of 19.9 Sv in August. At this time, altimetry shows an anticyclone lingering next to a cyclone in the mooring array, which intensified northward velocities within the IC. We thus conclude that mesoscale variability can directly impact both the transport and the variability of the IC.
**Unable to participate in the virtual poster session. Direct questions to Femke de Jong who is in person at the meeting.**
Seasonal cycle of the overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic
Yao Fu, M. Susan Lozier, and the OSNAP Team
Production and Export of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water from the Northeast Atlantic
William Johns, Manish Devana
Using coastal altimetry to improve Meridional Overturning Circulation estimates in the South Atlantic
Matthieu Le Henaff1,2, Marion Kersale1,2, Christopher S. Meinen3, Renellys C. Perez2, Shenfu Dong2, Florence Birol4, Marcello Passaro5, Christian Schwatke5, Maria Paz Chidichimo6,7, Daniel Valla6, Alberto Piola6, Tarron Lamont8,9,10, Isabelle Ansorge10, Sabrina Speich11 1UM-CIMAS, Miami, USA, 2NOAA/AOML/PhOD, Miami, USA, 3Retired, 4LEGOS, Toulouse, France, 5DGF-TUM, Germany, 6SHN, Argentina, 7IFAECI, CNICT, Argentina, 8DFFE, South Africa, 9BCRE, South Africa, 10Univ. Cape Town, South Africa, 11Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
Wind-forced upwelling along the West Greenland shelfbreak
Astrid Pacini and Robert S. Pickart
South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation estimation from in-situ based optimized section at 22�S
Ivenis Pita, Marlos Goes, Denis Volkov, Shenfu Dong, Gustavo Goni
The Role of AMOC in Setting Salinity Anomalies In The Eastern Subpolar North Atlantic using Ocean State Estimates
Ali Siddiqui, Thomas Haine
Gliders in the Gulf Stream
Robert E. Todd
The role of ocean processes in predictability of sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic
Laurie. Trenary, Martha Buckley, Timothy DelSole, and Laure Zanna
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic in model and observations (2014-2018)
Xiaobiao Xu, Eric P. Chassignet
▼ Day 2. AMOC Mechanisms and Predictability; Climate Sensitivity to AMOC: Climate/Ecosystem Impacts Back to top
The role of anthropogenic aerosol forcing in the 1850--1985 strengthening of the AMOC in CMIP6 historical simulations
Jon Robson, Matthew B. Menary, Rowan Sutton, Jenny Mecking, Jonathan M. Gregory, Colin Jones, Bablu Sinah, David Stevens, Laura Wilcox
The AMOC-Driven Ocean Heat Convergence Increased the Frequency of Flooding Events Along the U.S. Southeast Coast
D. Volkov, K. Zhang, H. Zhang, M. Goes, D. Menemenlis
AMOC Signal-to-noise in an Eddy-resolving Historical Simulation (1958-2018)
Stephen Yeager, Alper Altuntas, Fred Castruccio, Who Kim, Ping Chang, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Justin Small
Wind-driven freshwater export at Cape Farewell
Elodie Duyck, Renske Gelderloos, Femke De Jong
Using a high-resolution model, we identify strong wind events and investigate their impact on freshwater export. Westerly tip jets are associated with the strongest and deepest freshwater export across the shelfbreak, with a mean of 37.5 mSv of freshwater in the first 100 m (with reference salinity 34.9). These wind events tilt isohalines and extend the front offshore, especially over Eirik Ridge. Moderate westerly events are associated with weaker export across the shelfbreak (mean of 15.9 mSv) but overall contribute to more freshwater export throughout the year, including in summer, when the shelf is particularly fresh. Particle tracking shows that half of the surface waters crossing the shelfbreak during tip jet events are exported away from the shelf, either entering the Irminger Gyre, or being driven over Eirik Ridge. During strong westerly wind events, sea ice detaches from the coast and veers towards the Irminger Sea, but the contribution of sea ice to freshwater export at the shelfbreak is minimal compared to liquid freshwater export due to limited sea ice cover at Cape Farewell.
AMOC variability and its dependence on the mean state in a climate model
Alexey Fedorov, Brady Ferster, Juliette Mignot, Eric Guilyardi
Density staircases and mixing barriers generated by symmetric instability in a deep western boundary current
Fraser Goldsworth, Helen Johnson, David Marshall
Lagrangian overturning pathways in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic
Oliver J. Tooth, Helen L. Johnson, Chris Wilson
On extending our Lagrangian analysis to explore the seasonality of overturning at OSNAP East, we find a clear distinction between the advection times of pathways that contribute substantially to the mean strength of the AMOC and those responsible for its variability on seasonal timescales. Seasonality in our Lagrangian overturning metric is driven by water parcels which are transformed by seasonal heating/cooling during rapid recirculation (3-6 months) in the upper 250m of the Irminger and Iceland Basins. The recirculation time of water parcels circulating in the upper Irminger Sea also exhibits a strong seasonal cycle: parcels advected northwards in winter typically require an additional 1.5 months to return to OSNAP East compared with those released during summer. The decrease in upper Irminger Sea recirculation times through spring leads to increasing convergence of southward transport within the density classes of the upper limb in the East Greenland Current during autumn, and thus induces a seasonal minimum in the AMOC. On accounting for seasonal changes in the density structure of the Irminger Basin, variations in the southward transport of the East Greenland Current can account for 63% of the seasonal cycle of Eulerian overturning at OSNAP East in our hindcast simulation.
Consistent Response to Subpolar North Atlantic Surface Buoyancy Forcing in Three Climate Models
Who M. Kim, Alcide Zhao, Yohan Ruprich-Robert, Stephen Yeager, and Jon Robson
- Consistent, but with varying amplitude, anomalous water mass transformation/formation (WMT/WMF) in the western SPNA in response to the forcing
- Anomalous WMT/WMF largely associated with changes in isopycnal outcropping area
- Differences in amplitude between the models believed to be due to different background stratification
- Zonal SSH gradient, generated by anomalous deep water in the western SPNA, inducing meridional geostrophic flow in the upper ocean (upper AMOC limb)
- Slow advection of anomalous deep water delaying the spinup of the upper limb of density-space AMOC, relative to the lower AMOC limb, and associated advection of warm subtropical waters into the SPNA
- Consistent upper ocean warming in the SPNA and climate responses in the surrounding regions
- Overall, these multi-model results largely consistent with thermohaline mechanisms previously identified in both low- and high-resolution CESM models
Exploring the influence of sulphate aerosols on North Atlantic variability with idealised experiments using models at two different resolutions
Michael Lai, Jon Robson, Laura Wilcox, Nick Dunstone, Rowan Sutton
Mean state AMOC affects AMOC weakening through subsurface warming in the Labrador Sea
Yuan-Jen Lin, Brian E. J. Rose, and Yen-Ting Hwang
Understanding the Drivers of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using a Stochastic Model Hierarchy
Glenn Liu, Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul, Jian Lu
Evaluating weakening overturning circulation in CMIP6
Gaurav Madan, Ada Gjermundsen, Silje C. Iversen, Joseph H. LaCasce
Removing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in an ocean model simulation
Elizabeth Maroon (1) and Andrew Shao (2)
On the Seasonal variability in the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
M.D. Perez-Hernandez, P. Velez-Belchi, A. Martinez-Marrero, V. Cainzos, D. Santana-Toscano, C. Arumi-Planas, M. Cubas-Armas and A. Hernandez-Guerra
Younger Dryas Climate Shifts in South Greenland in Response to AMOC Changes Inferred from Lake Sediment Proxies
Peter Puleo 1, Yarrow Axford 1, Andrew L Masterson 1, Magdalena R Osburn 1, Sarah Alice Woodroffe 2, Regan Steigleder 1 and Grace C Schellinger 1, Andrew Medeiros 3 (1) Northwestern University, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Evanston, IL, United States, (2) Durham University, Department of Geography, Durham, United Kingdom, (3) Dalhousie University, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Halifax, NS, Canada
Diversity in the AMOC mean, variability and interactions on interannual to decadal timescales across CMIP6 models
Annika Reintges (1), Jon I. Robson (1), Rowan T. Sutton (1), and Stephen G. Yeager (2)
Wind-driven variability of the zonal overturning circulation
Michael Spall
Emerging shift in the global meridional overturning circulation driven from the Southern Ocean
Sang-Ki Lee, Denis Volkov, Shenfu Dong, Rick Lumpkin, Wilton Aguiar, Fabian Gomez, Filippos Tagklis, Dongmin Kim, Hosmay Lopez, Molly O. Baringer, Stephen G. Yeager
Role of air-sea heat flux on the transformation of Atlantic Water as it encircles the Nordic Seas
Jie Huang, Robert S. Pickart, Zhuomin Chen, Rui Xin Huang
▼ Day 3. Paleo AMOC; AMOC State, Variability, and Change Back to top
Submesoscale modulation of deep-water formation in the Labrador Sea
Annalisa Bracco, Filippos Tagklis
AMOC thresholds in CMIP6 models: NAHosMIP
Laura Jackson, E Alastrue-de-asenjo, K Bellomo, G Danabasoglu, A Hu, J Jungclaus, V Meccia, O Saenko, A Shao, D Swingedouw
Synergy of in-situ and satellite ocean observations in determining meridional heat transport in the Atlantic Ocean
Shenfu Dong, Gustavo Goni, Ricardo Domingues, Francis Bringas, Marlos Goes, Jonathan Christophersen, and Molly Baringer
Multi-proxy estimation of glacial and stadial deep Atlantic water mass sourcing
Dr. Patrick Blaser, Dr. Jörg Lippold, Prof. Samuel Jaccard, Prof. Claire Waelbroeck, Dr. Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Dr. Janne Repschläger, Dr. Frerk Pöppelmeier
Here, I present the latest results of a mixing model based on pan-Atlantic data compilations of five different proxies from the Last Glacial Maximum and Heinrich Stadial 1. I show that widespread northern sourced deep waters are necessary to explain proxy observations and estimate their extent in the glacial Atlantic. These analyses offer new detailed insights into glacial deep Atlantic water mass sourcing and reconcile findings from studies using individual proxies. They suggest widespread prevalence of northern sourced deep waters during both glacial maximum and stadial conditions, contradicting earlier inferences of suppressed AMOC activity or depth.
Thirty years of GOSHIP and WOCE data: Atlantic Overturning of mass, heat and freshwater transport
Verónica Caínzos, Alonso Hernández-Guerra, Gerard D. McCarthy, Elaine L. McDonagh, Melania Cubas Armas, M. Dolores Pérez-Hernández
The Long Timescales of AMOC Adjustment to CO2 Forcing: Problem Revisited
Paul Edwin Curtis, Alexey V. Fedorov
Revisit the relationship between centennial trends of AMOC and subpolar North Atlantic SST over the last century
Yifei Fan, Laifang Li, Duo Chan, Eugene Clothiaux
AMOC modulations driven by tropical Indian Ocean SST
Brady Ferster (1), Leonard Borchert (1,2), Juliette Mignot (1), Alexey Fedorov (1,3)(1) Sorbonne Universit�s (SU, CNRS, IRD, MNHN), LOCEAN Laboratory, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Paris, France(2) Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Dynamique (LMD), �cole Normale Sup�rieure (ENS), Paris, France(3) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
The role of atmosphere in the North Atlantic Warming Hole
Chengfei He, Amy C. Clement, Mark A. Cane, Lisa N. Murphy, Jeremy M. Klavans, Tyler M. Fenske
Heat convergence by AMOC or oceanic heat persistence: Testing the causal relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and multidecadal sea surface temperature
Hali Kilbourne and Vyacheslav Lyubchich
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me at
Five centuries of marine variability recorded by annually-resolved bivalve proxy records from the southern Barents Sea
Madelyn J. Mette, Alan D. Wanamaker, Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose, Jr., Michael J. Retelle, and Carin Andersson
Formation of dense water over the North Atlantic subpolar gyre in a hierarchy of climate models
Tillys Petit, Jon Robson, David Ferreira, Laura Jackson
In the medium resolution model, the strong overturning at OSNAP East is mainly explained by strong water mass transformation (WMT) over the Irminger and Iceland Basins. However, WMT does not simply increase with resolution over the eastern subpolar gyre, as a weaker WMT is observed over those basins in the high resolution model. On the contrary, both the overturning at OSNAP West and the WMT over the Labrador Sea do increase with resolution. An exploration of the heat fluxes, density at surface and sea ice extent showed that the large dense water formation observed over the Labrador Sea at high resolution is explained by a combination of biases that increase with the horizontal resolution of the model.
Variability of the meridional transports of the AMOC in the Atlantic.
Claudia Schmid
Drivers and impacts of CGCM biases in representing Labrador Sea convection
Annalisa Bracco; Filippos Tagklis; Guangpeng Liu
Deep-water temperature changes in the northwest Atlantic over the last 1ka
Jack Wharton, David J. R. Thornalley, Thomas M. Marchitto